Turning Passion into Lifestyle
What passions do you have? What makes you get up every morning? Like many of our staff members at Mac Cutting boards do you have burning desire to work hard? If so what makes you put in 10-12 hours a day? What keeps you up grinding away at those long nights?
If you’re at all serious about what you do and you truly feel a tremendous passion towards a skill or hobby, these are some of the serious questions that you need to ask yourself. Our staff here not only exceeds expectation for our customers and family but they do it so much so that going above and beyond is an expectation. There is no room for complaining and whining, in fact those words aren’t even in our vocabulary because we work hard not because we have to but because working hard is a style of life. Look at Rob Porcaro and his 30+ years of woodworking. How do you think someone like that can work hard at their passion for so long? We work hard not only for the people we care about and but we also do it for ourselves.
Do you ever wonder how great people burn the midnight oil every night even on weekends? It’s simply because they don’t know any other way to get things done. Think about your passion. Think about how much attention and care you put into that passion. Then ask yourself, is this something I need. And if so I highly recommend turning your passion into a lifestyle. Check out Heidi Jones blog on how to work more than 10 and still maintain a healthy lifestyle! I can’t stress the prudence of hard work but at the same time I also can’t stress enough the importance of not complaining. Bottom line if you really wanted and needed this newly created lifestyle of yours, you would realize that you wouldn’t have to time to complain. Simply because you are doing something you love. Strive for excellence, strive for good working values, but more importantly strive for your passions. Because what else would you be doing do?